Figure 3.1. Number of reported acute hepatitis C virus infection cases and estimated infections* — United States, 2012–2019

Figure 3.1. Number of reported acute hepatitis C virus infection cases and estimated infections* — United States, 2012–2019
Source: CDC, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.
*The number of estimated viral hepatitis infections was determined by multiplying the number of reported cases that met the classification criteria for a confirmed case by a factor that adjusted for underascertainment and underreporting. The 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for the estimated number of infections are displayed in the Appendix.
Source: Klevens RM, Liu, S, Roberts H, et al. Estimating acute viral hepatitis infections from nationally reported cases. Am J Public Health 2014;104:482. PMC3953761

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The number of acute hepatitis C cases reported in the United States increased every year during 2012–2019. During 2019, a total of 4,136 acute cases were reported, corresponding to 57,500 estimated infections after adjusting for case underascertainment and underreporting. The number of cases reported during 2019 corresponded to a 14% increase from the 3,621 cases reported during 2018, and a 133% increase from the 1,778 cases reported during 2012.

Hepatitis C Figures and Tables