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Volume 29, Number 6—June 2023

Detection of Leishmania RNA Virus 1 in Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis Isolates, Panama

Kadir Gonzalez, Santiago S. De León, Vanessa Pineda, Franklyn Samudio, Zeuz Capitan-Barrios, José Antonio Suarez, Adriana Weeden, Betsi Ortiz, Margarita Rios, Brechla Moreno, Nathan D. Gundacker, Juan M. Pascale, Sandra López-Vergès, Néstor Sosa, Azael SaldañaComments to Author , and Leyda E. Ábrego
Author affiliations: Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies, Panama City, Panama (K. González, S.S. De León, V. Pineda, F. Samudio, Z. Capitan-Barrios, J.A. Suárez, A. Weeden, B. Ortíz, M. Ríos, B. Moreno, J.M. Pascale, S. López-Vergès, N. Sosa, A. Saldaña, L.E. Ábrego); University of Panama, Panama City (K. Gonzalez, S.S. De León, Z. Capitan-Barrios, A. Saldaña, L.E. Ábrego); Medical College of Wisconsin—Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (N.D. Gundacker); University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (N. Sosa)

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Figure 2

Phylogenetic analysis of Leishmania RNA virus 1 isolates analyzed in Panama, 2014–2018, and reference isolates. A phylogenetic tree reconstruction was implemented, applying Bayesian inference with the general time reversible plus gamma 4 plus invariate sites model using MrBayes version 3.2.6 phylogenetic software ( Boldface indicates sequences obtained in this study, which are in the same clade with reference sequences from Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis isolates, mostly from Brazil. Numbers at each node represent clade credibility values. GenBank accession numbers are provided. Scale bar indicates substitutions per site.

Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis of Leishmania RNA virus 1 isolates analyzed in Panama, 2014–2018, and reference isolates. A phylogenetic tree reconstruction was implemented, applying Bayesian inference with the general time reversible plus gamma 4 plus invariate sites model using MrBayes version 3.2.6 phylogenetic software ( Boldface indicates sequences obtained in this study, which are in the same clade with reference sequences from Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis isolates, mostly from Brazil. Numbers at each node represent clade credibility values. GenBank accession numbers are provided. Scale bar indicates substitutions per site.

Main Article

Page created: April 04, 2023
Page updated: May 17, 2023
Page reviewed: May 17, 2023
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