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2000 and 2022 CDC and 2006 WHO Growth Charts

Welcome to the Growth Chart training website, which offers self-directed, interactive training courses for health care professionals who use the pediatric growth charts in clinical and public health settings to assess growth of infants, children, and teens.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend that US health care practitioners in primary care settings use:

In 2022, CDC released Extended BMI-for-Age Growth Charts for children and adolescents with severe obesity. Learn more about these changes.

  • World Health Organization (WHO) growth standard charts to monitor the growth of children aged birth to 2 years regardless of type of feeding.
  • 2000 CDC growth reference charts to monitor growth of children aged 2 to 20 years.
  • 2022 CDC Extended Body Mass Index (BMI)-for-Age Growth Charts to monitor growth of children aged 2 to 20 years with very high BMIs (above the 97th percentile for sex and age).
Computer Programs

Growth chart related computer programs include:

  • SAS Program
  • R Packages

This training provides US health care practitioners with expertise on using and interpreting the growth charts. Users can complete any or all of the training courses in the desired sequence, at no cost. Each course includes learning objectives, text, and examples. The training takes about 30 minutes to read, or about 40 minutes to read and complete the Test Your Knowledge sections.

The training courses include:

Other Growth Chart Resources

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